Car insurance for teenagers is anything but cheap. Unfortunately, our beloved teens are a liability with little driving experience and a statistically much higher probability of getting into an accident.
Because teenagers are higher-risk drivers, insurance companies capitalize on this and charge you more for coverage. Often times the insurance that is affordable for teenagers don’t even offer quality coverage or claims handling.
When searching for cheap car insurance for teens, it’s important to consider all the possibilities. Policies often have small differences that can make a big difference in your pocketbook.
Have no fear, a few friendly tips on finding affordable insurance for your teen is here!
1. Search For Nationwide Policies
It’s important to find a policy that provides auto insurance in all fifty states when looking for cheap car insurance for teens. Big providers like USAA might not make the cut, but that will lead you to smaller providers with better deals.
Nationwide policies are ideal for your teenager in case they end up driving in another state. If your teen is planning a road trip that goes out of state, you’ll want to make sure they are covered in case of an accident while beyond your borders.
Nationwide policies are also more affordable as they set a general rate for coverage based on a national average.
Sometimes local policies can be more expensive because they know the ins and outs of the local risk factors. Being familiar with their in-state accident rates can boost prices.
2. Find Discounts on Cheap Car Insurance for Teens
A lot of insurance companies will offer discounts to teen drivers. There are good student discounts, as well as safe driver and student away discounts.
Have your teen take a driver’s ed or defensive driver course so you can show that certificate to your desired insurer. Doing so might earn you some savings with their company.
You can also consider letting your insurance company send a representative to monitor your teen’s driving for a period of time. If they can confirm that your teenager is a safe driver, you just might be eligible for even more cheap car insurance for teens.
Though rare, some companies might offer a vanishing deductible which comes in handy if your teen does need to end up filing a claim.
3. Add Them to Your Policy
Sometimes adding your teen to your policy will end up being the best option for cheap car insurance for teens.
Because you already are a loyal customer to an insurance company, they can offer you a low rate that expands your plan to cover your teenager. Family insurance plans are often the most cost-effective way to get your child covered.
However, most policies state that a teen can only stay covered until they are 26 years old.
4. Leave the Car
Though not always helpful, some insurance companies will offer your teen a discount if they are going to school at least 100 miles away and are not taking their vehicle with them.
Your kid will still be covered when they come back, so they can drive on breaks or weekends.
5. Use an Anti-Theft Device
If you have an anti-theft device in your teen’s car, you may qualify for a lower rate. Depending on the vehicle and the type of device installed, your state might cut you a deal.
They will also take into account the type of car and type of garage it’s housed in.
6. Discounts by the Numbers
Insurance rates are based on risk. As such, statistics can play a significant role in the rate you ultimately pay. It is a little-known fact that boys and girls can get vastly different rates. The incident numbers usually favor girls… there have been cases reported of girls paying less than half than the guys in the same area! Good news for some, but unfortunately, not so much for others.
Drive Safe
Teenagers love the freedom of having a license. But without car insurance, they can’t enjoy their freedom and the experiences of driving.
Unfortunately, teens are also less experienced and more easily distracted. Car insurance is therefore usually more expensive for younger people. But there are always ways to save!
Find a policy that is both affordable and specific to your teen’s situation. Have peace of mind that your teenager is insured while they are driving. When you’re ready for a free quote on car insurance, contact us today!
10501 Six Mile Cypress Pky #101
Fort Myers, FL 33966
1031 Cape Coral Pkwy
Cape Coral, Florida 33904
(239) 205-6072